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BBBike Map Compare

Map Compare shows you different maps from OpenStreetMap, Google, and others side by side. Use the drop down menus over the maps to choose the map type for each map. You can move and zoom any map as usual and the other map will follow. Hold down the shift key and move the mouse to zoom in to that area. You can save the link named Permalink to always return to this page with the same map types and position.

You can use one of the pre-configured map profiles:

Berlin and Brandenburg: BBBike, Berlin, Berlin Historical, Berlin Aerial, Berlin Infrared, Berlin Public Transport, GDI Berlin Water, GDI Berlin Verkehr, BVG, LGB Brandenburg, LGB Brandenburg Aerial
Berlin historicmaps: 1698-1871, 1874-1900, 1903-1913, 1914-1928
HistoMap Berlin Kartenblatt: 4236 (Mitte), 4223 (Friedrichshain), 4338 (Reinickendorf)

A: Apple, Austria
B: Belgium, Bing, Brazil, Black/White, Boundaries
C: Carto, Clockwork, Commercial, Cycle, Czech
D/E/F: Esri, France
G: Geodatenzentrum, Geofabrik, Germany, Google
H: HeiGIT, HERE WeGo, High Resolution (Retina), Hillshading
I/J/K/L: Ireland, Japan
M: Mapnik, Michelin
N: Night, Norway
O: OpenRailwayMap, OpenStreetMap, Outdooractive
P/R: Public Transport, Polish, Russian
S: Safecast, Satellite, Serbia, Skobbler, Slovakia, Sorbian, Stamen, Strava, Street View Coverage, Sweden, Switzerland
T: Thunderforest, TomTom, Topo, Tracestrack, Traffic
U/W/Y: USA, USGS, Waymarkedtrails, Waze, Welsh, Yandex

Browser Support:

Any standard conform web browser as: Firefox, Safari. Note: Google Chrome has known SSL issues with tile servers and may not show some maps.

Here are some shortcuts:

Press 'f' or ESC to toggle fullscreen (shift: no map name, CTRL: white map name)
Press '+' or '-' to zoom in or out
Press arrow right, arrow up, arrow down, or h, j, k, l to navigation
Press '1','2','3','4','6', '8', 5=15, 7=24, 9=all    to show that number of maps
Press 'p' to create a permalink / share a link
Press 'g' to jump to the current geo location
Press 's' to open address search
Press '?' or '/' to get this help

For experts: you can configure the default number of maps, zoom level, prefered maps, maps order or add your own tile server in the Map Compare Admin Console

BBBike & OSM maps

BBBike BBBike data rendered with Mapnik for Berlin from BBBike.org server
OSM Mapnik, Mapnik (b/w), Hike&Bike OpenStreetMap.org data rendered with Mapnik from official tile server, or in German style
OSM Belgium OSM Belgium NL/FR by openstreetmap.be
OSM Public Transport OpenStreetMap data rendered with public transport style, by öpnvkarte.de
OSM FR OSM France by openstreetmap.fr
OSM CH OSM Switzerland by osm.ch
OSM IE OSM Ireland by openstreetmap.ie
OSM Cymru/Welsh OSM Cymru/Welsh by openstreetmap.cymru
AllRailMap (OSM) AllRailMap, by AllRailMap.com
OpenInfraMap (OSM) OpenInfraMap, by OpenInfraMap.org
OSM OpenSeaMap OSM OpenSeaMap, by OpenSeaMap.org
OSM OpenSnowMap OSM OpenSnowMap, by OpenSnowMap.org
OSM OpenRailwayMap OSM OpenRailwayMap, by OpenRailwayMap.org
SLUB OSM SLUB OSM, by slub-dresden.de/
Sorbian OSM in Sorbian, by openstreetmap.de and lausitz.la
Wanderreitkarte Wanderreitkarte Ride & Hike, based on OSM data
Waymarkedtrails OSM Waymarkedtrails for hiking, cycling, MTB and skating, by waymarkedtrails.org
overlays OSM based overlays: ADFC Radwegenetz, Velo-Layer, Parking, Power Map, Bicycle Network
MTB map (OSM) free map for mountain biking (MTB) and hiking by mtbmap.cz

Commercial OSM services

BVG (OSM), BVG Stadtplan Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG), by bvg.de
Carto Carto OSM map, by carto.com
Clockwork Micro Clockwork Micro Streets (OSM), by clockworkmicro.com
F4map F4map map, by f4map.com
Floodmap Floodmap Basic, by floodmap.net
Freemap Slovakia Freemap Slovakia (OSM), by freemap.sk
Geofabrik Geofabrik OSM map, by Geofabrik.de
HeiGIT HeiGIT OSM map, by heigit.org
Kartogiraffe Kartogiraffe by kartogiraffe.de
MapTiler OpenStreetMap data rendered with MapTiler style, by Maptiler.com
Mapilion Mapilion Kurviger Liberty, by mapilion.com
mappy OpenStreetMap data rendered with mappy style, by mappy.com
Omniscale Omniscale, by omniscale.com
Optitool Optitool Truck (OSM) map, by optitool.de
osmapa.pl osmapa.pl (OSM) map, by osmapa.pl
Outdooractive Outdooractive, by Outdooractive.com
S-Bahn Berlin S-Bahn Berlin, by sbahn.berlin
Sigma Sigma OSM map by sigmasport.com
Skobbler Skobbler maps, based on OSM data
Stamen Toner Toner, Watercolor, Terrain, based on OSM data, by stamen.com & stadiamaps.com
Hausnummern Berlin TS (OSM) Hausnummern Berlin, based on OSM data, by tagesspiegel.de
Thunderforest Landscape, Transport, Outdoors, Transport Dark, CycleMap Thunderforest maps, by thunderforest.com
Tracestrack (OSM) tracestrack, based on OSM data, by tracestrack.com
VBB (OSM) Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB), by vbb.de

Other commercial servies, Government or non-OSM

Apple Apple.com iPhoto maps, based on OSM data
BalticMaps BalticMaps, by balticmaps.eu
basemap.at basemap.at by basemap.at
Bergfex Bergfex by bergfex.at
Berlin Historical Berlin Historical by jochenklar.de and Geoportal Berlin
Berlin historicmaps by by Wikimedia Toolforge, Historische Berliner Karten
Bing street map, aerial and hybrid map, by bing.com
Esri street map, topological map, by Esri.com
Geodatenzentrum Geodatenzentrum map, by geodatenzentrum.de
Geoportal Berlin (GDI) Geoportal Berlin water maps, by gdi.berlin.de
GSI Gov. Japan Geospatial Information Authority of Japan.gsi.go.jp
Google Google street map, satellite and aerial photos, and physical map, by Google.com
HERE WeGo HERE WeGo Map, Terrain, Satellite, Hybrid, Public Transit, Traffic, by HERE.com (Navteq, Nokia)
Imagico Imagico satellite and aerial photos, by imagico.de
LGB Brandenburg LGB (Landesvermessung und Geobasisinformation Brandenburg), historic data and aerial photos by GeoBasis-DE/LGB, by geobasis-bb.de
Lightningmaps LightningMaps.org, by lightningmaps.org
MapFan MapFan roads for Japan, by mapfan.com
Meteo Meteo maps, by mapy.meteo.pl
Safecast Safecast.org, by Safecast.org
Serbiamap Serbiamap.net, by serbiamap.net
Strava Strava maps by strava.com
TomTom TomTom Basic, Dark, Satellite, Hybrid, Labels, Hillshade, by TomTom.com
UMP-pcPL UMP, by ump.waw.pl
USGS USGS - The National Map, by usgs.gov
ViaMichelin ViaMichelin by viamichelin.com
Visitnorway Visitnorway, by Visitnorway.com and geodataonline.no
Waze Waze map, by Waze.com
WiGLE WiGLE WI-FI map, by wigle.net
Yandex street map, topological map, by yandex.com

SRTM, hillshading

Maptookit Topo Maptookit topografic map, based on OSM and SRTM data, by Maptoolkit.net
OpenTopoMap OpenTopoMap topografic map, based on OSM and SRTM data, by OpenTopoMap.org
Relief SRTM Relief topografic map, based on SRTM data, by maps-for-free.com

External map providers

Map Compare has a plugin system to integrate map configuration from other services as osmlab. Due the high number of maps (> 600) these are not enabled by default. You can filter the maps by id or name, or show them all in the menu. Here are some example links:

Other map providers

Copyright and Terms of Service

Copyright (c) 2011 Geofabrik GmbH
Copyright (c) 2012-2024 BBBike / Wolfram Schneider

All map tiles are copyrighted by their respective providers!

Comparison with Google Maps is for informational purposes only. Do not use information from Google Maps to edit OpenStreetMap data!

Read what's new in BBBike Map Compare


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Feel free to contact us if you found an error, or have an suggestion for a new map to include in the service.